Thursday, January 17

THank==s KatieI

I have a friend.  (don't gasp in surprise. that wasn't nice) Her name is Katie and she started a blog.  I saw it on facebook and read it.  Now i've been inspired to blog again.  We'll see how long this lasts.  That's what everyone said when I started working out everyday.  It's been 2 weeks and i'm still going strong.  I'm not as strong as I used to be and that bothers me.  I see a bench and some weights and i say, oh yeah, i can lift that for sure. . .and then I pick it up and it hurts soooo bad!! and I haven't been getting any stronger.  Yesterday I was complaining about how bad I am at lifting weights to Regan, and she said "yeah I heard". . . dang that was rough haha I was almost insulted, but why be insulted if its true and I was saying it haha so I guess I'm trying to say that I'm going to blog again, but you won't know that, unless you have one of those alert things that tell you when someone has blogged.  Followers I do believe they are called.  I decided (starting after this post) I am going to blog about interesting things, and keep anyone who cares updated with life, and most likely I'll try to be funny and most likely I will be most of the time. . .
do you blog? not a fair question?  


Catherine said...

I'm one of those people who uses google reader and knows when you post again so I'll be looking forward to all your future posts!! ;D

Timothy said...

YEAH! i have a reader!!