Friday, January 25

The day provo froze over?

I have lots of best friends (most of them are getting married soon) this is for you (none of them read this). . .haha. . .

and as promised: the Misadventures on the Ice: A story of people in Provo

Thursday, January 17

THank==s KatieI

I have a friend.  (don't gasp in surprise. that wasn't nice) Her name is Katie and she started a blog.  I saw it on facebook and read it.  Now i've been inspired to blog again.  We'll see how long this lasts.  That's what everyone said when I started working out everyday.  It's been 2 weeks and i'm still going strong.  I'm not as strong as I used to be and that bothers me.  I see a bench and some weights and i say, oh yeah, i can lift that for sure. . .and then I pick it up and it hurts soooo bad!! and I haven't been getting any stronger.  Yesterday I was complaining about how bad I am at lifting weights to Regan, and she said "yeah I heard". . . dang that was rough haha I was almost insulted, but why be insulted if its true and I was saying it haha so I guess I'm trying to say that I'm going to blog again, but you won't know that, unless you have one of those alert things that tell you when someone has blogged.  Followers I do believe they are called.  I decided (starting after this post) I am going to blog about interesting things, and keep anyone who cares updated with life, and most likely I'll try to be funny and most likely I will be most of the time. . .
do you blog? not a fair question?  

Wednesday, June 6

Do YOU have Change?

When I was LITTLE I had this issue.  It had to do with my mother and her hair, that was perfectly fine the way it was, but she had the (completely irrational and inexcusable) notion that hair should be changed from time to time.  I recall that she would at times come home with a COMPLETELY different hair color (like from dark blonde to lighter blonde) or with and inch OR TWO cut off.  this upset me.  it still does.  mom is perfect, why would you try to change her? I can't understand it.

Thus comes my fear of change complex:


IT can be quite problematic.  They say Change is good. . .I don't know who they think they are, but change is a prickly pear cactus!   More pain than it's worth to get the life saving water from inside unless  you happen to be dying of dehydration.  Change should be avoided at all costs. . .it is the cozy comfort you feel of being a regular at a local cafe (or jamba juice in my case).  Change causes stress (new classes mixed with work might give me a hernia.)  Change is annoying (what use is a penny, really, lets be honest. they are pointless.)  Change ruins friendships and disrupts the tranquility of life (Two of my roommates' relationships are being disrupted because one or the other is moving far away for the rest of the summer.)  Change is expensive (the thought of having to buy a new car when mine dies gives me a heart attack).  Change hurts (I'd rather not discuss that one hahaha)

Change builds strength (I am soooo sore right now from working out).  Change teaches lessons (I've learned a lot lately) Change buys you a soda pop (good memories from my childhood with my sister Jocelyn sending me up the hill to the pop machine with two quarters, one for her one for me!) Change is exciting (you never know what you're gonna get).  Change helps you get to know yourself (I've discovered I like to eat vegetables.) Change can be good looking (mommy you look beautiful EVEN when you cut your hair!!) Change isn't as bad as it seems, and it's good for me.  That is why as of today, I am adopting an anti-metathesiophobic  attitude and am going to train for a half marathon! ha! whose going to stop me now!! and maybe i'll grow out my hair instead of cutting it, and maybe i'll get a nose ring, and maybe i'll become a vegetarian. . .or a carnivore. . .or maybe i'll change my major, or maybe i'll change the world! haha ok lets not get ahead of ourselves. not all change is good.  but it can be.  hmm 

do you have change? that is not a fair question.

Tuesday, March 27

it has been. . .

. . .one month since I have written!
. . .two day periods (morning and afternoon) since I chatted with Flo in the laundry room (and she turned a key on the dryer and I didn't have to use any money to dry my clothes!)
. . .three months since I met Flo the cleaning lady at Glenwood

. . .four days since I went to the color festival!
. . .five years since Flo's husband was swindled by a ponzi scheme and lost all his money and went inactive
. . .about 29 years since Flo ran off with a British soldier escaping war in Ireland.
. . .over 30 years that Flo married the brother of the leader of (I assume the IRA but I didn't ask) the opposition or bad guys ("I was raised going to Bible school and all but he was handsome and I was a teenager." she said) They were divorced and he was put into a mental hospital for having demonic visions (more than likely due to his devil worship. . .)
. . .over 50 years since Flo was born! happy birthday Flo!

Wednesday, February 29

messin with sasquatch

So here i am sitting in the wilk, and suddenly, my volume starts going up. . . fortunately i'm not currently listening to Backstreet Boy's "the hits" album, but it is still puzzling.  So I push the mute button on my laptop and continue to do my school work.  A minute or two later, again, my volume begins to shoot up unexplainably.  and then it hits me. . .someone has hacked into my laptops internal programming and is currently filming a "messing with timb" commercial.  I gotta keep my cool, act natural.  I begin to survey my surroundings.  How can I reverse the candid camera moment and make the pseudo hacker squirm with humiliation at the knowledge that i have not only uncovered but effectively disrupted it as well.

STEP 1: play along.  You can't sneak up on a sly fox like this without careful planning and the element of supra!!
STEP 2: talk in code. he may be monitoring my every word. . .oh dang it. . .
STEP 3: come up with new plan while talking in code this time. . . (i will now have to wait for alfa delta major to show up and pull a snake bait maneuver while smurfette distracts him, thus enabling an effective, but slightly less covert.)
STEP $: Santa's new red bag needs a new blue patch. omaha. fudge omaha. red 92. mike, i'll block mike!! you pick up larry.  SCREEN!!!

hacking: unfair?

Tuesday, February 28

Agua de Gusanos

I thought it'd be great to share a special experience I had while on my mission, mix it up a bit. Stop me if you've already heard this one! 

SO THERE I WAS. . . Panuco, Veracruz.  I had no idea what i was doing, i was about 9 months into the mission and we had just white washed the area, so no leads, no investigators, lots of sun, and lots of walking.  I was training, and trying to keep up with spanish and I was the one who was supposed to know what was going on.  It was hot, we were thirsty all the time.  One morning we went and did service for a senile old lady (no seriously she was our only investigator left over from the other missionaries and she honestly had not idea what was going on.  She would forget how we started the sentence before we ended it... good times.) so we helped her pick caterpillars off of her plants.  

i'm not sure if that actually did any good. . .but we made her day. next we had planned to meet with our less active branch mission leader (Nico-pronounced nee-ko) to try and get the the branch excited about mission work.  We got to the house at the designated time, but he wasn't at home.  Discouraged, we decided to leave and continue with our back up plan, when his wife cheerfully offered us a glass of "agua de gusansos."  
(Let me esplain somethine real quick.  In mexico, they don't usually have what we would call juice.  All their juice is made from fresh fruit (well at least where i was, they do have Jumex but at the common household, what they had was fresh squeezed juices) but they don't call it "juice" (jugo) they call it for example "mango water" (agua de mango) or "pineapple water" (agua de pina) so here i am thinking oh juice! i love juice! its so hot, yes i want some gusano juice!)
So i look at my comp and i'm like yeah give me some agua de gusanos. My companion (who is mexican, and therefore speaks spanish thus understanding what the word "gusano" means) politely declines.  so i'm like dude come on its super hot outside just have a little bit, and he again refuses.   Now sister Monica (thats her name) was like oh i'll just give you a little bit and you can see if you like it, and if you want more you can have more.  This is when i start to think "uh oh, thats a little sketch. . .oh well i'm super thirsty"so my Elder Garcia reluctantly takes a small glass of agua de gusano and I take mine and drink it.  It's a little bitter. ok it's super bitter, like they'd left it out too long and it started to ferment (which actually happens a lot to waters like pineapple water and such) but it was soooo cold and felt really good going down my throat.  As i finish, everyone is anxiously awaiting my reaction, and I of course want another glass.  It was cold.  really cold.  when I ask for more everyone is like really? you want more and I explain to them, hey guys, it's really hot out side, and this agua is really cold. i'd like more, thank you.  My companion does not ask for more.  I take this as a sign that I should in fact drink enough for myself and for him.  It felt really good going down the throat even with the slight bitter/fermented taste, but alas, we had to leave.  As we walk away from dear old Nico's house, i turn to Elder Garcia and ask hey man, what're "gusanos?" to which he replies "bwahahahaha, you didn't know?" to which i replied "yes i knew, thats why i'm asking you know what they are. . .what are they?" so he said to me, "you know those things we pulled off of the plants of that senile lady?"

That is not a fair question?