Friday, January 20

Am I a "snorer"??

So here I am in the "memorial room" at byu
AKA the "napping room."  Pretty much the greatest thing since the "cat nap" was invented.  What is done in the "napping room?" you ask? to this i reply rather snarkily, "cuddle up with your brimstone-studded snuggy, what else?" 

a picture says a thousand words.  look at it, and you will see the three main pasatiempos that occur here. (starting from right to left (like a japanese comic book. . . or any other japanese book)) Which usually leads to 2. mess around on your computer, bringing you slowly down to 3.napping.  (many people  skip right down to #3, as it is the most enjoyable of the 3 options.

There are 8 full sized couches in here, perfect for a quick nap, and a good 15 or so comfy chairs (see example #2 in photo)  Whoever came established this room and so covertly named it the "memorial room" to avoid suspicion of their  true dormifacient motives, is a saint. It seems only just the right amount of people know about this room, which keeps it conveniently neither over nor under occupied at all times, Which brings me to my very fair question:

Here it is not uncommon to hear the light snoring of an exhausted pre-nursing student, or the light almost whisper like sound of an unconscious over taxed biology lab TA, but every so often, someone lets out a doozy!! everyone pretends not to notice the petite little english major with her mouth wide open, snoring up a storm.  (until they see the drool coming out of her mouth, then they crack up and try not to laugh loud enough to wake up the person next to them)

I often fall asleep "accidentally" while "studying" in here, and my nasal function does not have the best track record.  I love that feeling when you wake up from a quick nap, and you notice that your mouth is slightly dry, you imagine your hair is slightly matted on the side that you leaned it up against your arm on, and you get that vague feeling that the reason you woke up is that you heard a sudden noise, but your groggy mind won't let you focus on much anything let alone the cause of such a sudden jolt back to consciousness, but in the back of your freshly rested mind you can't help but think, did the awakening noise come from me? you can't tell because people will never look at the exact location where the sound originated from so you are left wondering


that my friends is a legitimate question?    

1 comment:

chelsea said...

You made a link tag for me?? Is that a fair question?