Tuesday, January 24

The "fat burning effect"

So there I was, blog stalking.  The kid was talking about how he's training for an iron man contest and he over eats to compensate for the energy burned, etc. etc. etc.  now here's the kicker, at the bottom of the screen there was an add for "5 foods to NEVER eat!" so i caved. . .and i clicked it.  

Now to understand why, you must know that I am secretly still a chunk.  I know, i look so dashingly handsome and fit that it is hard to grasp the concept.  don't think about it too much. . .thats what I do. . .haha unfortunately, not thinking about something doesn't make it go away.  So here i am watching the excessively long intro video to "beyond diet" For only 50 bucks they can teach me what NOT to eat to get myself into the fat burning zone and thus create the fat burning effect! 

here's the catch (for those of you you didn't catch it the first time). . .it's 50 bones. . . who has that kind of money to spend on looking good? I DO!!!!!!! so i bought it. . . no thats a lie, but I did watch the repetitive and tediously prolonged intro. vid. 

What did i learn? a bunch of stuff we all already know that I will share in a couple months when i have washboard abs.  You'll be able to wash your clothes with OberneHosick hard water soap when I'm done!

The video asks "can you imagine your self with a flat stomach?

I propose that, that is not a fair question? 


melissa said...

i can't picture myself not eating pizza and cookies and hot chocolate, so i guess i can't picture myself with a flat stomach anymore. (i used to be able to have both, but now i'm old i guess.) WHO NEEDS IT ANYWAY?

Timothy said...

not me!! i just decided not to go swimming again till i'm married!! haha

julis said...

That was a funny blog. I liked his version of the questions at the end. What the heck is "OberneHosick hard water soap"? Is that one of those that I brought home from a motel and tried to get you to use instead of buying soap?

Timothy said...

if you would have clicked the washboard link you would know what that soap is!!