Friday, January 27

I like your sweater. . .but i won't tell you

SO here i am.  Sitting in the library.  trying to muster up the courage to talk to that girl.  you know the one.   the one that is most likely completely unattainable.  she's got that stylish pink sweater on, beautiful long brown hair, and just enough tan to make you think "is she latina? no i don't think so."  my buddy glade says it's easy to just strike up a conversation with someone in the library.  MAYBE thats cuz girls come up to him, and they just stare at me like "why does that creeper keep glancing over at me. . .do i have something on my face? oh my gosh i do have something on my face. ew i gotta go to the bathroom to wash that off." and she subsequently gets up and leaves.  or thats what would happen if i was a creeper and kept glancing at her, but i'm not. so i pretend like i can't see her out of the corner of my eye, but i can. I think think that i see her glance up at me too, but i'm not sure.  That brings out the temptation. . .

Irrational part of the brain: DUDE she totally is checking you out

Rational part of the brain: Um, she is most definitely not checking you out, don't do anything stupid!

Irrational part: No way man, she was totally eye flirting with you, quick she's leaving, make up an excuse to leave too so you can start up a funny conversation on the way out, your sense of humor is your strong point.

Rational part: Pretend like you don't see her and her friend pack up their things and walk away.  It will save you embarrassment and pain.

Irrational: Ya, but then you'll end up an old man filled with regret waiting to die alone.

Rational: No you won't, thats just not normal.  If you were going to have talked to her you would have had to have had a legitimate excuse, and you didn't and now she's gone anyways so don't fret it!

Irrational: maybe if you leave now, you'll accidentally bump into her and be able to strike up a friendly conversation. . .

Rational: well you better get going then, but it better be a legit conversation, not, "hey i like your sweater wanna go out tomorrow?"

Irrational: deal.

"Tim are you talking to yourself on your blog?"

That is not a fair question?


chelsea said...

Hahahahahahahahaha!!! OH Tim your blogs are the highlight of my days!! Hahaha And a word from the female perspective: I don't think it is creeper at all to start a conversation. If she was sitting alone, and it was definitely obvious she wasn't absorbed in her homework, then she is hinting that she is probably in the library to do some socializing. And I find that women always try to do slight hints, but men never catch on.

chelsea said...

ANNNNNd women thrive on compliments!! That's a big detail. I guess it's not a detail if it's big, but is an important part of converstaions with women.

You should have told her you liked her sweater :) Then you have your foot in the door.

Timothy said...

now you tell me!! ha well good to know for later!